This weekend has been filled with a bunch of inconveniences as usual, but with some quite awesome moments.
But I've also been extremely grateful for having really awesome friends here in Tampa help me out immediately despite my inconveniences. Thank you : Ciara, John, Clint, Cat, and I apologize to whom I've forgot to mention.
Dear internet,
When re-reading my past first few postings, it sounds like I am a pretty negative person about most things who wraps things/events/people in sarcasm, but I assure you internet that I am not a negative person. You've just caught me at a somewhat frustrating time. I apologize. plz forgive me.
On Friday, after doing a bit of drinking, Clint and John's friend JP and I went to Czar, unfortunately we could not get out there till the last hour, but it was still nice to see the regulars there and dance a little bit even though I had sobered up immensely and was unable to tap into my usual groove.
I must get my groove back.
Saturday: Saturday was pretty routine, hung out/drank with everyone
Meant to go to the Orpheum with Stephanie, Cat, and Desirae, but for some stupid reason it was specifically 21+ for the night so we couldn't get in. Which is a shame because I was looking forward to seeing people I know. The girls dragged me to Czar which was vacant, and I soon left them after that due to not having enough cash or any interest to go to Gbar.
I called Clint to tell him my situation, and without question he came to pick me up and I bought him some super tasty Lucky Strike Ciggerettes for being such an awesome friend to come pick me up, for some reason I've developed a strange tendency to buy ciggarettes when I'm drunk and then have one and then never smoke the rest. Is anyone interested in some lucky strikes?
We then went to that Alaskan Taco place where we dined on good food and I ran into one of my club regular friends which was cool and I saw Sir Bob Evan's girlfriend who worked there, who is super nice.
On Sunday, Clint and Ciara and I went to Sam ash, where we played on guitars and synths for a while. I played on my dream synth with an incredible Vocoder and it was quite amusing when Clint called his mother using the vocoder, she thought he was a robot.
After that we went to Petco where we played with ferrets and looked at kute animals and said that every animal reminded us of John.
We also tried going to the mall so I could get some new shoes that weren't beat up or had holes in them, but unfortunatly it was closed. This weekend will contain new shoes.
That night I departed from the gang for a while to do some work and then when I returned to Ciara's room, I brought my copy of Salo because Clint asked me to, but it was kinda hard to watch as a bonding experience being that the movie is about rape and torture.
Yesterday was also pretty routine up untill my phone fell, and had to go to the apple store to wait around a bit to constantly check facebook for an hour and a half before getting called to the Genius Bar because I didnt want to make Ciara wait with me and I thank her for being a great friend and driving me and such, I sometimes feel like a burden because I have no car here. After they "fixed" my phone, Clint and Ciara picked me up and then after we dropped Ciara off, Clint and I went to this incredible burger place that Clint was telling me about previously in the week called Square One Burger. Absolutly amazing, its a make your own burger place, but like with super interesting sauces and combinations such as wasabi and sun dried tomato mayo. It was absolutly amazing.
When I got back to my room after the incredibly satisfying meal, my phone started wigging out again. and now I have to bring my Iphone back again tonight. I'm honestly going to punt a child if this continues to happen.
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