"Today was a good day."- Ice Cube
This past Saturday was one of the best days to happen in quite a while, it was a consistent series of events which reaked of victory.
After a somewhat successful yet uneventful night at Czar, I woke up at two p.m to go meet Catarina and her boyfriend for some breakfast. In the caf, I ran into Clint and CK who I asked Clint if he would assist me to drive me to CVS for my meds. He complied and after Cat left with her boyfriend I joined Clint, John and CK who were all glad to see me after a interesting night of tasty beverages.
After breakfast, I ask Clint if we could stop by Best Buy so I can finally pick up Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job season 2, and Clint asks me if I want to go to guitar center, a question which in which the answer is always "yes."
After Best Buy, we were at Guitar Center for a full two hours, playing on numerous guitars, banjos, synths, and drum machines. Some super cool blues guitarist commented on my fast fingers while I was playing a few death metal riffs and he showed me some of his incredible blues playing.
This blues-man wore a hat with the 813 area code on it.
I wonder if it was in case he forgot.
Once again, Guitar center failed me by not having the Korg synth that I've been wanting, but I played on a beautiful moog and I felt better.
Clint and I spent the rest of our Guitar Center time playing on this beautiful Gibson Firebird and talking to the head of the guitar department who drives a hearse and has a coffin in the back of her car. I wonder what she keeps in it.
After Guitar Center, we went to CVS so I could get my meds.
While waiting for the medicine to be ready, we found a collector edition Star Trek pez dispenser set and played with a really awesome bouncy ball in the aisle only to discover that both Clint and I are both quite bad at catching things.
I would totally eat candy that came out of William Shatner's neck any day.
After CVS, we went to Tijuana Flats where we both got tasty Mexican food :)
On the television, we saw the greatest invention re done.
The Snugglette: The Snuggie for children.
Now kids can be just as hip as adults=)
While we were eating, the waitress and Clint had quite an interesting dialogue.
Let me adapt this for the screen.
Clint(19) and Max (19) are eating and enjoying Mexican food. The Tjuana Flats waitress(19-23) walks confidently to the table.
Hey guys, is everything allright? Do any of you need a refill?
(Creepy and staring)
Hey guys, is everything allright? Do any of you need a refill?
(Creepy and staring)
Do You need a refill?
Max's jaw drops and the waitress's face turns from friendly to sheer terror.
Everybody laughs.
Max's jaw drops and the waitress's face turns from friendly to sheer terror.
Everybody laughs.
After dinner, Clint and I came back to campus to go our seperate ways to change and shower. Then we went to Ciara's room to meet up with CK to partake in nightly activities.
Clint decided to be a good friend and drive CK and myself to the Orpheum for sink or swim.
CK drank.
I danced.
I ran into Stephanie and her friend Brittany which was nice and we all danced for a while :)
Then in a sudden twist of fate, on the dance floor I suddenly run into the waitress from Tijuana flats who served us tasty food only to receive a creepy question from Clint.
Awkward for her.
Awesome for me.
I then apologized for Clint's actions despite how awesome it was.
I then met this wonderful girl named Victoria, and she already knows that I think she's super awesome and adorable =)
After the club closed, I ran into another friend who I hardly ever see, which was also really nice. I then invited Victoria and her roommate/ friend Tami back to CK's room for more drinking and hanging out, Stephanie and Brittany also came to join us as well.
The night ended with almost all of us passing out in CK's room.
The next morning, Victoria gave me super Tasty potato and Zucchini pancakes that she had in her car :) and I brought some doughnuts back to Clint who passed out on the couch.
Many hours later, after breakfast with CK and Clint, I did laundry and hung out for a while until I saw Slumdog Millionaire for the 5th time with Victoria ( Still amazing after 5 times) and then we met up with John, Ciara, and Clint at Starbucks for coffee and conversation.
CK drank.
I danced.
I ran into Stephanie and her friend Brittany which was nice and we all danced for a while :)
Then in a sudden twist of fate, on the dance floor I suddenly run into the waitress from Tijuana flats who served us tasty food only to receive a creepy question from Clint.
Awkward for her.
Awesome for me.
I then apologized for Clint's actions despite how awesome it was.
I then met this wonderful girl named Victoria, and she already knows that I think she's super awesome and adorable =)
After the club closed, I ran into another friend who I hardly ever see, which was also really nice. I then invited Victoria and her roommate/ friend Tami back to CK's room for more drinking and hanging out, Stephanie and Brittany also came to join us as well.
The night ended with almost all of us passing out in CK's room.
The next morning, Victoria gave me super Tasty potato and Zucchini pancakes that she had in her car :) and I brought some doughnuts back to Clint who passed out on the couch.
Many hours later, after breakfast with CK and Clint, I did laundry and hung out for a while until I saw Slumdog Millionaire for the 5th time with Victoria ( Still amazing after 5 times) and then we met up with John, Ciara, and Clint at Starbucks for coffee and conversation.
It was a wonderful weekend =)
It was the first time in a while where I had an honest wonderful day where every event was better than the last.
It was the first time in a while where I had an honest wonderful day where every event was better than the last.
so technically i didnt read the whole thing. but why is a tag bob dylan?
ReplyDeleteps. this is mary. LOL