Being home for spring break is nice, yet a little arduous.
I was able to see a bunch of my friends before they went back to school which was nice. Arian, Lewis and I went to Rio which is always a highlight of my homecomings where we feasted upon Mexican food which is only meant for kings.
I heard some things a few hours later though from a contact back in Tampa that I'm not sure if I should take to heart or even believe. Shit is way too confusing for me to make a conclusion but for the meantime I'll think positively and believe that for the most part people are naturally good.
Later, to celebrate Lewis' birthday, we all hung out at Lewis' place and celebrated with him with wings.
The next day, I spent the day with my younger brother where we went to Louisiana Kitchen, which was nice and another one of my homecoming highlights to see Carlos and feast upon his delicious food.
Soon afterwords, my brother and I went to the comic store where I got the recent volume of Scott Pilgrim, and a copy of Black Hole, which is one of the most interesting graphic novels I've ever read. It's only inspired me more to write/create a film based around the horror and idea of an STD.
I'd figure that the most recent book of Scott Pilgrim would make me feel better and slightly less confused , but for some reason it made me question my situation more and left me in a state of flux. Scott Pilgrim always for some reason was a guiding light through dark days but ugh, now I'll just have to wait for the next edition. Yet, it was still good, and a super depressing climax to his story. Thanks Brian Lee O'Malley.
After getting some clothes, my brother and I then saw Watchmen, and Watchmen being a huge influence in my life as it is along with a majority of work by Alan Moore. I was a bit skeptical going in to the movie based upon the other piles of shit that have been poorly interpreted and adapted from Moore's work, but as much as I believed ( and still do) that Watchmen is the most faithful Alan Moore adaptation, as it was almost frame by frame, character by character, apart from a few things from the plot. I enjoyed the film and have alot of respect for it, but I didn't love it. It didn't bring me back to the first time I picked up the book in 6th grade. It didn't make me question society in the way I did upon first reading it. The sex/action scenes were a bit extended probally by pushy producers. The thing I did love about the movie besides Snyder's interesting visual work was how well the actors fit into their roles. The movie was so well cast and well acted to a point where they didn't make the roles their own ( which can be a good thing and a bad thing depending on how your viewing the film) but assumed the identities of these flawed heroes.
I just really want to see the original cut of the film, the way that Snyder really wanted it but was forced to edit it down (still long theatrically though) for general audiences.
Meanwhile, I am procrastinating alot from doing a plethora of research/homework I need to do for school, and I am also quite vexed due to not recording yet which I really need to do.
silent ill