Its 4:52 now, and I'm in Ciara's room working on a plethora of work that needs to be finished for tomorrow.
Procrastination wins again ( as shown by writing this post now instead of later when it should be done).
I guess I just need to vent.
Thursday: Castle was fun as usual, as a joke I wrote Silent ill on the request sheet, obviously they didn't play anything, it would be weird if somehow they managed to get one of our songs, but still, hopefully it will happen.
One day.
Czar on Friday was fun as usual, I ran into Laura and her friends there which was a surprise because they hardly ever go there. We danced a bit and hung out, it was a pretty routine night.
On Saturday, Ciara, John, and Kitty went to Sensory Overload at the honey pot that Clint and the rest of Creative Loafing was working, and we had a pretty good time. I met up with Jon, Cat, Addie, and Gina there. I also saw some of Clint's work friends who are also super nice. Unfortunatly I didn't see as much art as I expected to, but I still had a good time regardless. I was planning on going to the Orpheum, but I just wasn't feeling it by the time that Sensory Overload had finished. I walked back to campus from Ybor with John, where we had a good talk and he made me feel better.
I'd like to thank my friends again for helping me out during my frustrating times, and dealing with me complain about my life despite everyone's problems and frustrations.
I appreciate all the advice, even if it contradicts each others.
I love you all.
In other news, I'll try to be as brief about this as possible, yet I don't expect it to.
I know you read this.
I hope you read this.
And despite your intellect, there are more mature ways about going about this.
If I wronged you, I apologize, yet I would expect you to tell me like an adult instead of avoiding me like the little girl your making yourself out to be.
I don't want to come across as angry or bitter in this passage, but this venture was short lived, and hopefully for a good reason, that is still unknown to me.
Remember that I still stand by the words I said and will continue to say.
If you want to burn bridges between us, including you and my friends, then I honestly won't stop you. Enjoy your weekends, continue to party the hardest, and try not to drive yourself off the dance floor just because we crossed paths at some point in time.
Hopefully one day we can sit down and discuss this like rational adults who have ambitions and lives.
You will continue to speak in poetry, while I'll continue to sing in prose.