Dear Internet, it's been a while, let me tell you about recent happenings.
This past weekend starting Thursday, I decided actually not to go out to the castle unlike my normal Thursday nights of drinking and dancing, but instead I studied for my art history test, which I had the next day. Clint and I still ended up going to Ybor for Alaskan Tacos and a bit of walking. It was nice, we ran into Jon, who was super drunk and with his friend, I'm pretty sure his name was Dan.
When Clint and I came back to Ciara's room, we found Ciara and Kat drunk and both rollerblading with a single rollerblade for each one of them. It was quite the site to see.

When walking back to my room at about 3 in the morning, which was not the time I wanted to be awake still, two typical UT girls ask me where I'm going through a drunken slur, one of them lives in my building, and they asked me to walk them back to one girl's dorm and the other back to our building. I'm not a bad person, nor an asshole in general, so I walked them back. Unfortunately, the girl who lived in my building was overly gripping my arm and was whispering in my ear about how she was feeling regret about making out with some Swede at the bar earlier that night and for the first time cheated on her boyfriend.
Believe me when I say that this was super fun.
On Friday after classes and such, I saw that Clint got his new beautiful electric guitar, so we jammed out for a bit and then stopped by Clint's work at Creative Loafing to grab some things and then to Tijuana Flats for the millionth time. It was still delicious. We saw the cute little hipster girl who I see at all the clubs and we had a small little conversation about dancing and the clubs. ( Go back a few posts to see how Clint wierded her out)
That night, I actually ended up going to Czar for drinking and dancing with Colleen and Brittany, who are both super nice and fun to hang out with, I had fun dancing as usual and saw the usual regulars. Unfortunately, someone broke into Colleen's car and stole her purse, strangely from her trunk :( At least she was positive about it all, which was pretty admirable in my opinion, other people would waste their time crying and what not. We waited for the police for about an hour and a half and then headed back.
Although unfortunate, nothing was bleeding, nothing was truly broken.
On Saturday, I went out to the Orpheum as usual with Colleen, Brittany, and their friend Megan and had a awesome night actually, other than the fact that everytime I go to the Orpheum, I overdress and end up sweating my ass off. So yeah, I was a drunk/sweaty mess. I did run into fun people as usual too such as Jon, Fidel, Vicky, etc etc. I danced harder than I usually did that night for some reason, well it works out in my favor overall. A girl with a sunflower in her hair said I owed her a dance. I also saw a guy in a Thriller outfit which made me pretty happy. After we left, the girls decided to go to the wall mart supermarket and then we nommed on meatless corndogs and hung out briefly at Brittany's room before walking Colleen back to her dorm.
Very good night.
Sunday was pretty routine, until I remembered that Mary's mother and Brother Matt came to UT to visit the school, unfortunatly since Mary is a huge tool, she couldn't come down, and I had a great time with her family I got breakfast with them and then later in the day after they saw the school and such they took me out for a super nice dinner where I basically convinced Mary's mother to kick out Mary of her family so I can have all of her stuff and her room when I get mad at my biological parents :D She agreed.
This is true.
In other news, I have so much work to start and for some reason, I'm writing about my weekend. sweet.