This past week and weekend is proving to me things are looking up :)
It was strange though, both John and Clint went M.I.A which had Ciara as well as myself pretty worried.
I did find John on Thursday though which was a relief.
Brittany and Colleen and I went to the UT Drag show which was a treat, I saw my head RA do drag and one of my professors who I'm taking next semester show one of his videos of when he used to do drag. It was a really entertaining show. Good Job guys and gals.
Later on that night I went out to the Castle as usual with Brittany, Colleen, John, Gina, and Brittany's and Gina's friends Erik and Mikee who were both pretty chill guys.
As usual we all had a pretty good time and I ran into a few people I knew which was great as well. As we were leaving, I ran into Nolan, and he informed me of great news, that after the Ratatat show on Friday, they would be having a DJ set at Czar :) This made me so incredibly excited, being that I was already planning on going to both.
On Friday, many people went home for Easter, including Ciara which made me feel like an abandoned child :( I also registered for classes for next semester which consist of : Poetry Writing, Narrative Production, Screenwriting, and Art and Technology.
In other news, I was planning on going to Ratatat with Clint and John, but Clint was still M.I.A and John wanted to sleep so I was planning on going to the show alone like a loser, but in a random turn, Michelle (the girl with the sunflower in her hair from the past post) texted me and asked if I was going, and I met up with her and her friends who go to Ringling with her. They were all super nice and we all had a great time :)

Unfortunately, Michelle and her friends did not come to czar afterwords for more good times and dancing, but I met up with Stephanie, DJ, Deserae, Brian, among the other Pulp regulars.
Randomly wandering Czar, I see Mike Stroud alone, the guitarist of Ratatat and I congratulated him on a wonderful show and we started talking about guitars:) They played an incredible DJ set along with Autoerotique who were excellent as well.

This is us bonding with silly faces with our eyes closed.

Saturday was pretty boring up until the night for the most part. I did some school work, hung out, and then John and I got pita pit and saw my good friend Sir Bob Evans, the pita pit delivery man and we discussed our musical endeavors. John and I afterwords went to Starbucks to indulge in some coffee and to discuss literature. We were thinking about going to the Orpheum, but almost everybody who usually goes were either home or going home for Easter. John and I hung out for a little bit at campus before he went to bed and I just decided to have a night in and relax my body and mind with catching up on Lost.
On Sunday, Clint returned!! We celebrated with letting Clint lick Ciara's face.

The next day after my Modern Art class, Palmer and myself went to the Dali Museum in St. Pete for class and met up with Juliana and we enjoyed the museum. Its always good to see some of
Dali's work, I've thought about incorporating some of his motifs into my lyrics/writing such as ants representing the after death and melting instruments and such. After the museum, we dined at Zurritos on burritos and conversed about life after college being that Palmer and Juliana are both graduating at the end of the semester.
When I got back, John, Ciara and I went out to the greenwise market to get Clint a cake and his favorite blueberry beer for his birthday :) John was a little upset because he couldn't find a cake with any banana in it because Clint is allergic to bananas. What a pal.
John also was in charge of decorating the cake in a festive manner, in which he succeeded by drawing a person pooping.

When Clint came over, Ciara, John, Kitty, Addie and Mom all surprised him and I jumped out of a box, kinda like a stripper but with clothing. We sang to Clint and had him blow out his candles and all indulged in the blueberry beer that we got him, or what I call it " brewberry." Emma then came over and we continued to hang out. For his birthday, Clint convinced me to come out to a place I'll refer to as MV along with John and Emma, where by the end of the night I was broke. Clint had a great birthday though and I was glad to be there for it.
On Tuesday, the weather was a bit morose and rainy, but I enjoy the rain as a nice change of pace. This state is way too fucking hot. Ciara being the nice person that she is took me out to buy a canvas for my art class and then to buy some new shoes because my other ones are too beat up and have too many holes in them.
I spent the night procrastinating and doing homework, waking up at six in the morning the next day realizing that I fell asleep editing my script for my Writing For Electronic Communication class with my laptop on my lap, only to be locked out of class and that the script isn't due until Monday. sweet.
That night, Brittany, Colleen, and myself were invited out by Kristen to go to the social for Verse, which is a recently new electronica/indie night at a place in Ybor called the social so I decided to check it out with them :) Clint and Ciara said they would come so we all met up in her room to hang out before hand where the girls bonded over prince and Clint showed me his awesome and goofy African pants that makes him look like DJ Jazzy Jeff. unfortunately, Clint and Ciara did not end up coming out being that they were probably doing other more important things. Don't worry. I still love you both. Social was actually a very fun time, Michelle came to dance as well and we all had a really great time all dancing together :D The dance floor was a bit crowded though and I accidentally elbowed Kristen in the head with my wacky dance moves. Sorry Kristen! D: I saw a bunch of people from the other nights I go out such Brian, Nolan, John, and I ran into Emma and Levi there too who are always fun to see :)
I need to learn how to stop sweating when I dance.
Should I cut my hair?
Should I dance not as hard?
Should I cut out all my sweat glands using a surgical procedure?
Should I wear a headband?
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
According to Brittany, its Marathon Week, which means that we have to rage as hard as we can before finals consume us which means:
Castle tonight, Pulp Tomorrow? Orpheum Saturday ( and I might go see The Rise Of Science before hand too :D :D :D)
I srs need to do work.