So it's been about 2 weeks since the last entry.
Dear internet, I severely apologize for my lack of interaction with you. I have been very busy.
A recap!
I bought my new synth finally! It is a Korg R3, which I believe is an awesome synth and an incredible vocoder. Many new parts to songs are being written with it and I'm excited for the end product.
That same day on Tuesday, Mike informed me of an extra Passion Pit ticket that he had because Devon had to end up working. However, the will call tickets were under her name so before the show we had to drive out to Georgetown and get her id and credit card from her while she worked.
The show was pretty fun, and Passion Pit did a good job live but it confusing seeing a high number of bro kids at the show. Oh well, they still did a great job.

A few days later, Mike, Arian, Ryan, Mark, Devon and others all went to the Rock and Roll Hotel to see the Number Twelve Looks Like You and The Dillinger Escape Plan. It is very sad to say that The Number Twelve Looks Like You did a terrible fucking job live. They lost their ryththm guitarist as well as their second vocalist. The band is now only a husk of what it once was.
The Dillinger Escape Plan did an incredible job though. Stupidly, I was positioned in the very front and center of the stage, not remembering how much Dillinger tears clubs up. When the band came on, not only was I slightly impaled by the speaker by the pushing of other crowd goers, but the screen that the Rock and Roll Hotel has was pulled down by the singer and hit me in the back of the neck.

By the time I was able to make it out alive and to find my friends, I was covered in sweat and feeling gross.
I went outside of the venue to get some air and some water and I sat down on a set of stairs that upon first sitting down, I did not realize that at the top of these stairs awaited a homeless man deep in slumber.
An elderly ghetto woman (May I remind you that I am in North East DC) sat down next to me where we shared an interesting dialogue.
The only way I can express this dialogue is to write it for the screen:
Max(20) is sitting on a small set of stairs breathing slightly heavily looking through his Iphone. From half a block away, the club can be seen with people and a tour bus outside. Music can be slightly heard from where Max is sitting.
An Elderly Black Woman(50's) comes and sits down next to Max.
Elderly Black Woman:
Is that one of those IMachines?
Oh, you mean an Iphone?
Your fucking high.
I soon after that went inside and finished watching the show. Before we dropped Mike and Devon off in Georgetown, we stopped at quick pita for some Middle Eastern yum yums.
That weekend, Arian's parents went out of town so on Friday, Arian and I went around grabbing stuff for the party and we all went to Rio beforehand and ate Mexican yum yums. It was a pretty good night and time where I blasted electro from Arian's computer the entire night. Rohan had his Norwigian friend/ Frat brother and his friend's friend from Norway come to the party as well. Overall, it was a super fun time.

The next day, Arian's band You Should Be Dead played a house show in College Park so I went with him and the guys to help out and dance/ do merch for them. There was a keg of yuengling there which made all the shitty bands sound decent. I ran into some people I don't really talk to anymore and it shows that people never really do change and continue to surround themselves with mediocrity passing their lives off as gold, but I was friendly and kept having a good time.
You Should Be Dead played a great set and that night and afterwords we all went back to Arian's for another party. Most of the people there were Arian's sister's bro friends who I made fun and addressed them as 'Bra'. When I put on some music one of the bros cursed the gods and screamed "what the fuck is this?" Overall a very good night regardless of driving to D.C at 5 in the morning.

The next day, My brother and I drove 3 hours to go to Bethany Beach to meet up with my Mom and Sister where we played many rounds of mini golf and walked around boardwalks. It was a relaxing time. I then came back a few days later and enjoyed the house to myself for a few days as well.
I started working for my Dad last Friday at his office doing all kinds of stuff involving charts and organizing among other activities fit for an office slave, at least I'm getting paid and such.
Speaking of fathers, for Fathers day or as I like to call Pep Pep day, My brother and I got him a box set of Mel Brooks movies, Transporter 3( because he loves Jason Statham, lol), and a Matthew Mcconaughey box set collection as a joke with such critically acclaimed( ha) movies such as Sahara, Failure To Launch, and How To Lose A Guy in Ten Days.

Last night was sort of dissapointing. Chris and I drove out to Fredrick to see a show that La Dispute was having and we picked up Chris' girlfriend Stacy on the way only to learn that we missed La Dispute's set that happened earlier that day. :( :( :( :( :( :(
But hopefully their having another show tonight in College Park which I will be attending for sure. :)
I can't wait.
I must go now and find sustinence.